<item/> element

Allows an item to be rendered in the menu

Displays an item on the menu. This element cannot have child elements.

The displayed item can be set with either the src attribute or by writing the item data JSON inside the element.


srcpathA Resource Path to the item’s data.src="item.json"
hide-item-tooltipbooleanWhether to show the item’s tooltip or
not when the element is hovered over.
true by default
advanced-item-tooltipsbooleanWhether to show the item tooltip
as if debug tooltips were enabled or not.
false by default

Source Attribute

Specifies a path to a JSON file containing item stack data for displaying the item.

Example index.xml:

<item src="item.json"/>


  "id": "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe",
  "count": 1,
  "components": {
    "item_name": "Cool Pickaxe :3",
    "enchantments": {
      "show_in_tooltip": true,
      "levels": {
        "minecraft:efficiency": 5,
        "minecraft:silk_touch": 1,
        "minecraft:mending": 1,
        "minecraft:unbreaking": 3

Default Styling

Item element styling

item {
  display: inline;
  width: 25cm;
  height: 25cm;

Tooltip styling

Changing the item-tooltip-name, item-tooltip-line allows you to modify the styling of individual item tooltip lines, while item-tooltip modifies the style of the tooltip container element.

item-tooltip-name {
  margin-bottom: 0.5px;
  display: block;

item-tooltip {
  z-index: 10;
  display: block;

  padding: 0.25px;
  background-color: #170817;
  border: 0.25px;
  border-color: #270558;
  outline: 0.25px;
  outline-color: #170817;

  * {
    font-size: 50%;


<item src="item.json"/>
<item src="item.json" hide-item-tooltip="true"/>
<item src="item.json" hide-item-tooltip="false" advanced-item-tooltips="true"/>
  {id: 'minecraft:stone'}