<java-object> tag

Load java objects from script files

The <java-object/> element is used to link to a specific java (or Kotlin) class to load and invoke as the document is loaded. This element uses the class-name attribute to find a class.

When a class is found, the system will first try to find a public static void onDomInitialize(Document) method in the class, if found, it is invoked.
If not found, then the system will look for a public constructor with a single Document parameter. If found, it is invoked, if not, an error is logged in the console.


class-nameclassClass path of the class to loadnet.arcadiusmc.entityeditor.menu.EquipmentEditorKt


<java-object class-name="net.arcadiusmc.entityeditor.menu.EquipmentEditorKt"/>