Information about colors and valid color values.
SCSS allows you to style and change how the elements of a menu page look like.
, :active
, :enabled
, :disabled
) are not supported, instead
variables are defined in the top level stylesheet scope with this format:
$<variable name>: <value>;
and @use
, to name a fewFeature | Supported? |
@for | No |
@if | Yes |
@each | No |
@function | No |
@return | No |
@continue | No |
@break | No |
String interpolation | No |
Lists | Yes |
Maps | No |
@use "scss:list"; | No |
@use "scss:math"; | No |
@use "scss:color"; | No |
@use "scss:map"; | No |
< , <= , >= , > , == , != Operators | Yes |
+ , - , * , / , % Operators | Yes |
and , or , not Operators | Yes |
Information about colors and valid color values.
List of supported measurement units
Supported CSS style properties.
SCSS/CSS functions