List of supported measurement units
Suffix | Unit type | Description |
ch | length | Relative to the size of the ‘0’ character in minecraft’s minecraft:default font |
px | length | Relative to 1/40th (see notes below) |
vw | length | Relative to 1/100th of the width of the document screen |
vh | length | Relative to 1/100th of the height of the document screen |
m | length | Relative to the size of 1 block |
cm | length | Relative to 1/100th of a block |
% | length | Relative to the parent’s size |
deg | angle | Represents an angle in degrees. Relative to 1/360th of a circle |
grad | angle | Represents an angle in gradians. Relative to 1/400th of a circle |
rad | angle | Represents an angle in radians |
turn | angle | Represents an angle with the number of rotations |
Unit compatibility
Not all units are compatible with each other, the following is a list of compatible units and how they are handled.
Units | Handling |
cm , m | m measurements are converted to cm |
deg , grad , rad , turn | Units are converted to either degrees or radians based on use case (eg: to degrees for operators like + and - and to radians for math, like sin(x) ) |
- Pixels aren’t real, a pixel is defined as
1 / 40
. This comes from the fact that an empty text display entity (Text display entity with content""
) has a size that’s 1/40th of a block. Thus a pixel is 1/40th, or0.025